It's Time to Grow!

My complimentary Leadership Needs Assessment will help you identify and develop skills that you can improve - and it takes only a few minutes!

Beck Leadership



If you're looking for something and not sure what that is, how to get there, or where to begin, coaching can be very helpful. Eventually, you'll arrive at your destination, but coaching will help you get there faster and with less confusion.  The coaching process includes accountability that really helps keep you on track with your goals, whether they are personal or professional.

Coaching is a positive experience that will help you lead a richer, more fulfilling life, regardless of your goals.


  • Tricia's message covers many topics related to soft skills. Those critical people skills that make or break relationships, morale, customer satisfaction, and many other benefits.
  • Tricia's style is very personable and engaging. You won't remain passive in her presentations.
  • Tricia's experience in working with a wide variety of audiences provide an uncanny ability to tap into a message that will resonnate with her audience.


Tricia is available for:
  • Review or preparation of training materials.
  • Customized workshops
  • Discovery phase analysis

Are you ready to grow?

Starting your journey towards personal development only takes a single step!
Ready to find out more?
Contact me today!